Jena's Words: We run into this a lot, someone is stuck and they don't know where they are or how to give coordinates. Or even worse, they send out an SOS signal that is vague or misleading saying things like "turn left at the big rock, then if you see a power-pole you have gone too far". Below are some basic instructions on how to pull up coordinates from your smart phone or GPS device. Frosty 4Wheeler prefers the coordinates over any other form of location sharing, this helps us chart the best route to your exact location.
Google Maps: You see that blue dot in the middle of the screen? That is your current location on the map.

1. Press and hold the screen for a second to drop a pin right on top of that blue dot. This drops a red pin.
2. Now pull up on the bottom of the screen to show more information. The coordinates are in parenthesis, usually starting with "37."
3. You can click these coordinates to copy them into a text message, or you can read them off to the person that needs to come rescue you.
Apple Maps: Similar to Google Maps, you will need to drop a pin on your location first, then you can read off the coordinates. You see that blue dot in the middle of the screen? That is your current location on the map.

1. Press and hold the screen for a second to drop a pin right on top of that blue dot. This drops a red pin.
2. Press the pop-up once In Apple Maps. You will see an option to "Share my location", now you click the pop-up to view more information about "your location" and proceed to the next step below. If you accidentally click the "Share my location" link below the pop-up you can send a text message with the map information.
3. Now pull up on the bottom of the screen to show more information. The coordinates are listed here, usually starting with "37."
4. You can click these coordinates to copy them into a text message, or you can read them off to the person that needs to come rescue you.
Now that you know how to find your coordinates, you can share them with anyone. Whether you want to share a favorite wheeling spot with a friend, or you need to have Frosty 4Wheeler come winch you out of a hole, coordinates will save everyone time and frustration, maybe even a life when used correctly.
If you use a different mapping device, how do you find coordinates? Please share your experiences in the comment section below. We would like to learn more about what mapping and location services you use, especially when there is no cell signal.